Edtech, a portmanteau of the phrase “education technology,” is the combination of IT tools and educational practices aimed at facilitating and enhancing learning.
Edtech refers to the introduction of IT tools into the classroom to create a more engaging, inclusive and individualized learning experience.
Edtech is therefore broader than E-learning.
Edtech offers many benefits to students and teachers
Tablets loaded with learning games and online lessons give children the tools to solve problems together
Whether they’re at school, on the bus or at home, connected devices are giving students Wi-Fi and cloud access to complete work at their own pace
Personalized learning plans for each of their students
Gadgets and outside influences could be used to get student’s attention,
In the past, teachers have spent hours after school and on weekends grading papers. There are tons of EdTech tools that can cut down on this time, automating grading and making measuring student progress simple.
There are lots of EdTech tools designed to help teachers with classroom management. Teachers can keep track of student behaviors and keep parents informed using technology.
Going paperless is a popular way for schools to save money (and reduce their carbon footprint). By putting more materials online and utilizing technology, teachers can cut back on the number of copies they make and save paper.
EdTech can help improve student achievement and raise test scores. Tools that help with test prep and measure students’ progress can help teachers bring up scores.
EDTECH Market size
According to seasoned experts, global education technology market size was valued at USD 74.64 billion in 2019 and is reckoned to witness a compound annual growth rate of 19.9% over the next seven years.
As of 3 Aug 2021, there are now 27 EdTech Unicorns around the world who have collectively raised over $18B+ of total funding in the last decade and are now collectively valued at $83B+.

Type of services offered
From learning management systems to school administration via exam preparation, Edtech is impacting the way we learn from kindergarten to entreprise learning.

Type of technologies used
The future of education appears to be around the following six fields:
- Digitized classrooms
- Gamification
- Tangible computing
- Virtual/physical studios
- Disintermediation
- Opening information